What are countries with the best healthcare in the world in 2022?

Based on extensive interviews with world leaders in healthcare and data from international organizations,  Commonwealth Fund has compiled a list of countries with the best healthcare in the world. https://youtu.be/tnFog_p4IzM   In 2022 countries that have the best healthcare in the world are: Norway The Netherlands Australia United Kingdom Germany The best healthcare in the world will be based on its accessibility, quality, and cost. While there are many factors that contribute to the quality of healthcare in a given country, one of the most important is how accessible it is. When people can easily access medication,…

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European Institutions: Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment

MedcoDRG is proud to accompany the development of the agreement on reforming research assessment of such European Institutions as the ERA Forum and the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) The Agreement sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research-performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. The Agreement includes the principles, commitments and timeframe for reforms and lays out the principles for a Coalition of organisations willing to work together in implementing the changes. Organisations involved include public and private research funders, universities, research centres,…

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Medical Tourism Trends in 2022 for Germany and the world

What are medical tourism trends in 2022 for Germany and the world? Every year about 250,000 patients seek treatment in Germany. They come from 177 countries mostly from Poland, the Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine and South Arabia. Of these, 100,000 are treated as inpatients in clinics. According to estimates, planned treatments of foreign patients in hospitals account for about 40 - 45 %. Deutsche Welle reports that the number of visitors has dropped significantly in the last few years, with fewer Russian nationals visiting Germany for such services. In 2020, the number of such patients from Russia decreased…

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Approved medical expenses in 2020 and 2021 in Germany

The Central Association of Statutory Health Insurance has published the GKV statistics for approved medical expenses. A significant proportion of the clinics have therefore improved their "coding quality". But this positive trend is likely to end in the next quarter. 642 hospitals (38 percent) report in the 4. Quarter 2021 more than 59 percent of unobjectionable invoices. This results in the 2. Quarter 2022 Audit rates of 5 percent and a mark-up of zero percent. 819 clinics (48 percent) achieve a test rate of 10 percent and a surcharge of 25 percent. Overall, this is an improvement…

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Top 20 World’s Best Hospitals in 2022

Newsweek has performed a study on the world's best hospitals in 2022 Many medical institutions struggled with different challenges over the course of the pandemic but what has set the world's best hospitals apart is their continued ability to deliver the highest-quality patient care and conduct critical medical research even as they focused on battling COVID.   Rank Hospital Country City State (US only) 1 Mayo Clinic - Rochester United States Rochester MN 2 Cleveland Clinic United States Cleveland OH 3 Massachusetts General Hospital United States Boston MA 4 Toronto General - University Health Network Canada Toronto…

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BMBF Progress Hubs Health

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding Digital Progress Hubs Health from 2021 to 2025 with 50 million EUR.

Medical Universities have carried out important pioneering work in the medical informatics initiative funded by the BMBF. Since mid-2021, the Digital Progress Hubs Health, also funded by the BMBF, will take the next step: They are to develop model solutions for the transfer of digital innovations into regional care and optimize them in practice. In addition, regional care data should also help research in the future to improve care concepts and therapies in a targeted manner, taking into account data protection.

More updates in the section News/Blog.


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50 Hospitals in Bavaria with the Highest Coding Quality in the First 2020 COVID-19 Catastrophic Event

The statewide disaster situation existed in Bavaria from March 16, 2020, to June 16, 2020, inclusive. From April 2, 2020, to October 21, 2020, Bavaria also had the highest total number of infected persons per 100,000 population link among all German states. Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, the following 50 Bavarian hospitals achieved the best coding quality in the period from April 1 to September 30 (2nd and 3rd quarters) 2020. Read on at: https://www.gkv-spitzenverband.de/krankenversicherung/krankenhaeuser/krankenhaeuser_abrechnung/kh_pruefung_statistik/pruefquoten_und_statistik.jsp Clinic AUS_POM_Q* Urologische Klinik München - Planegg 100 Klinik Hochried 100 Fachklinik St. Lukas 100 PASSAUER WOLF Nittenau 100 Klinik am Greinberg…

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General overhaul of the DRG system| Bibliomed Manager

The DRG system has many friends Financing and structural reform are interrelated. But what can be done if the countries do not follow them? The focus is on per-case flat rates. Even though the Institute for the Remuneration System in Hospitals (InEK) adjusts the DRG system annually, the deficiencies remain clearly visible. Hospitals are sometimes penalized for good medicine, for example by charging more minutes of ventilation. The false incentives have attracted harsh criticism from the medical profession, the health insurance funds and politicians. "Same price for same performance - this is the biggest nonsense that has…

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DIVI calls for emergency mode

Numbers of COVID-19 patients in the clinics and their intensive care units continue to rise sharply. The first facilities reach their limits, especially in large cities and conurbations. Intensive care physicians in particular expect the peak of patient numbers in the intensive care units in the next four to six weeks. The demand of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) is therefore unmistakable:   "Hospitals with a high volume of COVID-19 patients must now, immediately, be taken out of regular operation and converted to emergency operation!" warns DIVI President Prof. Uwe Janssens,…

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Allowance for exemption for German clinics

Debate about allowance for exemption for German clinics started in Düsseldorf – Due to increasing numbers of corona patients in intensive care units, the German Hospital Society (DKG) has called on Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) to reintroduce the exemption allowance for hospital beds. — Read more on: www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/117874/Debatte-um-Wiedereinfuehrung-der-Freihaltepauschale [text-blocks id="7055" slug="fuer-weitere-updates-besuchen-sie-bitte-bereich-aktuell-blog"].

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