Current EAN grants and scholarships
Autumn School: 3 days (November 9-11, 2018!) for 60 participants (they pay for their travel only, location: Greece). Deadline: 31 July 2018.Research Training fellowship: 12 months, 2,000.-€/month, in a foreign European university department, ideally to lead either to completion of a higher degree, a grant application or peer-reviewed publication: Deadline: August 31, 2018 (to start in 2019)
Research Experience fellowship: 6 months, 2,000.-€/month for individuals who might otherwise not have the opportunity to gain high quality research experience, but who may wish to pursue a research career, in a foreign European university department. Deadline: August 31, 2018 (to start in 2019)
Clinical Fellowship: 6 weeks, 1,500.-€/month to provide a well- defined clinical observational experience in a foreign European university department with recognised expertise in a specific field. Deadline: October 31, 2018 (to start in 2019)
Spring School: 3 days (May 9-11, 2019), for 120 participants (they pay for their travel only, location: Austria). Deadline: 31 January 2019.
Congress: June 29-July 2, 2019 in Oslo, Norway – Abstract submission deadline: January 23, 2019
Congress bursaries: 240 bursaries (consisting of free registration to the congress and up to four nights of hotel accommodation). Eligible are PhD (neurology) students, residents of neurology or certified clinical neurologists (with no more than 3 years practice since completing training) who are working in Europe and whose abstract has been accepted.
Tournament: 12 grants (6 clinical neurology, 6 basic neurology), to present their work at the annual congress. Eligible are PhD (neurology) students, residents of neurology or certified clinical neurologists (with no more than 3 years practice since completing training) working in Europe and whose abstract has been accepted. The participant has to be first author of the abstract submitted.
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